We occasionally want to include a specific UI design in our mobile apps that should look exactly the same on both Android and iOS, but we don’t want to construct custom controls to do so. This is when the NControl package comes into play and can help us construct custom controls without having to write platform-specific renderers!
NControl is a wrapper for NGraphics, a cross-platform library you can use to create graphically rich interactive views and UI widgets on .NET. In this example we will create an animated circular button, but you may use it to work with complex vectors, brushes, pens, and shapes, among other things. SVG and PNG files can also be imported and exported!
Now let’s get at it!
Let’s begin with the required libraries. NGraphics needs to be installed in all the projects, but NControl only needs to be in the Xamarin.Forms one.

Now, let’s create a CircularButtonControl class which will inherit from NControlView. In our class, we will define a label and a background to set the color.

public class CircularButtonControl : NControlView
    private readonly NControlView _background;
    private readonly Label _label;
    public CircularButtonControl()
        _label = new Label
            Text = "Learn more",
            TextColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.White,
            FontSize = 20,
            HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Center,
            VerticalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Center
        _background = new NControlView
            DrawingFunction = (canvas, rect) =>
        var content = new Grid
            Children = { _background, _label }
        Content = content;

Let’s test our control by calling it in our XAML!

<controls:CircularButtonControl HeightRequest="150"
                                BackgroundColor="{StaticResource Primary}"


A control needs properties, so we will include a few bindable properties to set the Text, the Text Color, the Font Size, and a Command from the XAML.

#region Bindable Properties
public static BindableProperty CommandProperty =
                           defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
                           propertyChanged: (b, o, n) => ((CircularButtonControl)b).Command = (ICommand)n);
public static BindableProperty FontSizeProperty =
                           propertyChanged: (b, o, n) => ((CircularButtonControl)b).FontSize = (short)n);
public static BindableProperty TextColorProperty =
                           propertyChanged: (b, o, n) => ((CircularButtonControl)b).TextColor = (Xamarin.Forms.Color)n);
public static BindableProperty TextProperty =
                           propertyChanged: (b, o, n) => ((CircularButtonControl)b).Text = (string)n);
#endregion Bindable Properties
#region Properties
public ICommand Command
   get => GetValue(CommandProperty) as ICommand;
      SetValue(CommandProperty, value);
public short FontSize
   get => (short)GetValue(FontSizeProperty);
      SetValue(FontSizeProperty, value);
      _label.FontSize = value;
public string Text
   get => GetValue(TextProperty) as string;
      SetValue(TextProperty, value);
      _label.Text = value;
public Xamarin.Forms.Color TextColor
   get => (Xamarin.Forms.Color)GetValue(TextColorProperty);
      SetValue(TextColorProperty, value);
      _label.TextColor = value;
#endregion Properties

You can remove the default values we placed in the constructor. It should look like this:

public CircularButtonControl()
    _label = new Label
        HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Center,
        VerticalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Center
    _background = new NControlView
        DrawingFunction = (canvas, rect) =>
    var content = new Grid
        Children = { _background, _label }
    Content = content;

Now, let’s test it out by setting those properties in the XAML. Don’t forget to add a Command in the ViewModel!

public class AboutViewModel : BaseViewModel
   public AboutViewModel()
      Title = "About";
      OpenWebCommand = new Command(async () => await Browser.OpenAsync("https://trailheadtechnology.com/"));
   public ICommand OpenWebCommand { get; }
<controls:CircularButtonControl Text="Learn more"
                                BackgroundColor="{StaticResource Primary}"
                                Command="{Binding OpenWebCommand}"/>

Great! It looks like you can set all of our properties from the XAML. Our control doesn’t know what to do with the Command yet, so let’s take care of that now. Let’s animate our control to make it react on touch and make it execute the command at the end of that animation.

#region Methods
public override bool TouchesBegan(IEnumerable<NGraphics.Point> points)
   this.ScaleTo(0.98, 40, Easing.CubicInOut);
   return true;
public override bool TouchesCancelled(IEnumerable<NGraphics.Point> points)
   this.ScaleTo(1.0, 40, Easing.CubicInOut);
   return true;
public override bool TouchesEnded(IEnumerable<NGraphics.Point> points)
   this.ScaleTo(1.0, 40, Easing.CubicInOut);
   return true;
void CallCommandIfAvailable()
   if (Command != null && Command.CanExecute(null))
#endregion Methods

Now, we will modify the control to have a round shape. Add a new bindable property to set the background color from the XAML. Note that this property must override the one from the NControlView by using the “new” keyword.

public static BindableProperty BackgroundColorProperty =
                                    propertyChanged: (b, o, n) => ((CircularButtonControl)b).BackgroundColor = (Xamarin.Forms.Color)n);
public new Xamarin.Forms.Color BackgroundColor
   get => (Xamarin.Forms.Color)GetValue(BackgroundColorProperty);
      SetValue(BackgroundColorProperty, value);

Lastly, define the round shape in the DrawingFunction within our constructor.

public CircularButtonControl()
   _label = new Label
      HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Center,
      VerticalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Center
   _background = new NControlView
      DrawingFunction = (canvas, rect) =>
         canvas.FillEllipse(rect, new NGraphics.Color(BackgroundColor.R, BackgroundColor.G, BackgroundColor.B, BackgroundColor.A));
   var content = new Grid
      Children = { _background, _label }
   Content = content;

There you go! Of course, this is a simple example with the most basic components, but it is a good starting point to enrich your apps with fantastic custom controls using NControl. Happy coding!

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Montage Portal

Montage Furniture Services provides furniture protection plans and claims processing services to a wide selection of furniture retailers and consumers.

Project Background

Montage was looking to build a new web portal for both Retailers and Consumers, which would integrate with Dynamics CRM and other legacy systems. The portal needed to be multi tenant and support branding and configuration for different Retailers. Trailhead architected the new Montage Platform, including the Portal and all of it’s back end integrations, did the UI/UX and then delivered the new system, along with enhancements to DevOps and processes.


We’ve logged countless miles exploring the tech world. In doing so, we gained the experience that enables us to deliver your unique software and systems architecture needs. Our team of seasoned tech vets can provide you with:

Custom App and Software Development

We collaborate with you throughout the entire process because your customized tech should fit your needs, not just those of other clients.

Cloud and Mobile Applications

The modern world demands versatile technology, and this is exactly what your mobile and cloud-based apps will give you.

User Experience and Interface (UX/UI) Design

We want your end users to have optimal experiences with tech that is highly intuitive and responsive.


This combination of Agile software development and IT operations provides you with high-quality software at reduced cost, time, and risk.

Trailhead stepped into a challenging project – building our new web architecture and redeveloping our portals at the same time the business was migrating from a legacy system to our new CRM solution. They were able to not only significantly improve our web development architecture but our development and deployment processes as well as the functionality and performance of our portals. The feedback from customers has been overwhelmingly positive. Trailhead has proven themselves to be a valuable partner.

– BOB DOERKSEN, Vice President of Technology Services
at Montage Furniture Services

Technologies Used

When you hit the trails, it is essential to bring appropriate gear. The same holds true for your digital technology needs. That’s why Trailhead builds custom solutions on trusted platforms like .NET, Angular, React, and Xamarin.


We partner with businesses who need intuitive custom software, responsive mobile applications, and advanced cloud technologies. And our extensive experience in the tech field allows us to help you map out the right path for all your digital technology needs.

  • Project Management
  • Architecture
  • Web App Development
  • Cloud Development
  • DevOps
  • Process Improvements
  • Legacy System Integration
  • UI Design
  • Manual QA
  • Back end/API/Database development

We partner with businesses who need intuitive custom software, responsive mobile applications, and advanced cloud technologies. And our extensive experience in the tech field allows us to help you map out the right path for all your digital technology needs.

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