Scanning Uploaded Files for Malware in C#

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With cyber threats multiplying daily, it can be overwhelming to try to stay on top of security in our software applications. When faced with the daunting task of writing code to mitigate the risk of malware, viruses, and other types of threats, many developers don’t know where to start.

One critical skill of developers working on applications that work with external files is knowing how to scan those files for malicious code. In this blog post, I will show a tool called VirusTotal and how you can use it in your applications to detect malicious files.

Risks of Unscanned File Uploads

Allowing users to upload files without scanning them first opens up significant risks. Hackers could potentially upload malware, viruses, or other malicious files that attack the application and its users once uploaded.

For example, an attacker may upload a virus-infected image or PDF that infects the application’s servers when processed. Or a hacker could upload a web shell script that gives them remote code execution abilities. Another infected image may be delivered to users’ browsers and used to steal their credentials or other private information

File Upload Guidelines

Without scanning uploaded files first, the application has no visibility into threats they may contain. To mitigate this risk, it’s essential for developers to build a process into their applications for verification of external files. Scanning uploads through a service like VirusTotal identifies malware before it enters the application, acting as a critical security control.

Below I will outline how to use VirusTotal, a popular tool for identifying and neutralizing malware in files. I will guide you step-by-step through the process of integrating it into your file upload code.

Utilizing VirusTotal API for File Scanning

VirusTotal is an API that helps users identify malicious software in files. It uses a technique known as hashing to search for the presence of suspicious files, meaning it essentially creates unique identifiers or “fingerprints” from inputted data.

The power of VirusTotal lies in its ability to provide an exceptional level of detail into vulnerabilities being exploited by attackers and what kind of malware they may be deploying. Additionally, it offers both free and paid tiers, which makes this handy tool accessible to companies facing security-related issues regardless of size or budget.

Interpreting API Responses

API responses from VirusTotal require proper interpretation to extract meaningful information. Typically, the responses come in JSON format which can be easily deserialized in your C# code.

An API file report contains information from various antivirus engines and their detection status. You can check each engine’s detection status and engine version to understand how they flagged the submitted file, like malware, adware, or clean.

Furthermore, the API returns summary details, such as positives (number of engines detecting the file as malicious) and total (total number of engines used). These details help assess the overall security status of the file. Always consider a balance between false positives and true detection when interpreting the responses.

API Rate Limiting

VirusTotal imposes rate limiting on API requests. Public API users are limited to 4 requests per minute and 500 daily requests, while premium and private accounts come with higher, custom limits. It is vital to respect these limits when building your C# virus file checker.

To manage rate limiting in your application, consider implementing a queuing mechanism that schedules and prioritizes your API requests. It might also be good to cache the results for a specific file by hashing that file’s contents and caching the scan results attached to that hash value. That way you can avoid re-scanning the same file multiple times.

Demo Project

Below is a simple demo containing two endpoints, one for file upload and one for checking reports. The solution structure looks like the following.

// Client Factory
src.AddHttpClient<IFileChecker, FileChecker>(client =>
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x-apikey", "[YOUR_API_KEY]");
var app = builder.Build();

app.MapPost("/api/file-upload", [AllowAnonymous] async
        ([FromServices] IFileChecker fileCheckerService, IFormFile formFile, CancellationToken ct) =>
        var referenceReport = await fileCheckerService.UploadFileAsync(formFile, ct);
        return TypedResults.Ok(referenceReport);

app.MapGet("/api/file-report/{fileReference}", [AllowAnonymous] async
        ([FromServices] IFileChecker fileCheckerService,string fileReference, CancellationToken ct) =>
        var referenceReport = await fileCheckerService.GetFileReportAsync(fileReference,ct);
        return TypedResults.Ok(referenceReport);

First in Program.cs we are adding typed HttpClient with BaseAddress, and according to VirusTotal documentation, we need to add the header key “x-apikey” for authentication.

Next, we have two endpoints:

  • /api/file-upload
  • /api/file-report/{fileReference}

Endpoint file-upload is meant for uploading files and asynchronously starts a scan of it in VirusTotal. The endpoint file-report/{fileReference} is intended for retrieving the report that VirsuTotal generates when its scan completes.

FileChecker class

public class FileChecker : IFileChecker
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;

    public FileChecker(HttpClient httpClient)
        _httpClient = httpClient;

    public async Task<VirusTotalFileUploadRes> UploadFileAsync(IFormFile file, CancellationToken ct)
        var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, _httpClient.BaseAddress + "/files");
        request.Content = new MultipartFormDataContent
            { new StreamContent(file.OpenReadStream()), "file", file.FileName }

        var res = await _httpClient.PostAsync(request.RequestUri, request.Content, ct);

        // Example of Response
        // {
        //     "data": {
        //         "type": "analysis",
        //         "id": "ZjU1ZjdmODcyMGU1NzJiNDQ0MWJjNjgyMTViMzA2Yzg6MTcwMjEzOTMxOA==",
        //         "links": {
        //             "self": ""
        //         }
        //     }
        // }
        var data = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<VirusTotalFileUploadRes>(await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(ct));

        return data;

    public async Task<VirusTotalFileReportRes> GetFileReportAsync(string fileReference, CancellationToken ct)
        var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, _httpClient.BaseAddress + $"/analyses/{fileReference}");

        var res = await _httpClient.GetAsync(request.RequestUri, ct);
        var data = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<VirusTotalFileReportRes>(await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(ct));

        return data;

From the code above, you can see two methods that are used UploadFileAsync and GetFileReportAsync.

Once the file is uploaded, it is queued for analysis by VirusTotal. Sadly, there is currently no callback support, so you will need to poll for results, which you will know based on when the status is completed.

An example of the response once scanning is completed looks like this

    "meta": {
        "file_info": {
            "size": 29700,
            "sha1": "d3a858cb5718b2c624146bd48c9b578a7f02bbba",
            "sha256": "3cba1b837791adb42f1fe92c68ff9a94c5c68c4c752b4a9cf783b991114d9ca1",
            "md5": "17c6028c94dbea93a309bfb4e34fd2a9"
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "date": 1702155104,
            "status": "completed",
            "stats": {
                "harmless": 0,
                "type-unsupported": 16,
                "suspicious": 0,
                "confirmed-timeout": 0,
                "timeout": 0,
                "failure": 0,
                "malicious": 0,
                "undetected": 60
            "results": {
                "Bkav": {
                    "category": "undetected",
                    "engine_name": "Bkav",
                    "engine_version": "",
                    "result": null,
                    "method": "blacklist",
                    "engine_update": "20231209"
// Rest of checkers are here         
        "type": "analysis",
        "id": "f-3cba1b837791adb42f1fe92c68ff9a94c5c68c4c752b4a9cf783b991114d9ca1-1702155104",
        "links": {
            "item": "",
            "self": ""

In this response, we are primarily interested in the stats section. In this section, we can find the summarized testing results and determine whether we should allow the file to be uploaded or not.


Integrating VirusTotal into C# projects is easy and ensures the security of your applications dealing with external files. By utilizing a virus scanning tool, you ensure all the files processed through your application are free of malware and can rest assured that it is not vulnerable to this type of potential online threat.

Picture of Vladan Petrovic

Vladan Petrovic

Vladan earned his B.S in Computer at Faculty of Organisational Sciences of the University in Belgrade.Vladan is a result-oriented engineer with over 11 years of experience in the development of web and desktop applications. He has a deep knowledge of C#, .NET, and has a strong background in algorithms and data structures, mathematics, statistics, and data analysis. Vladan enjoys tackling complex tasks and is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends. Overall, his combination of technical expertise, experience, and passion for software development make him a valuable asset to the team. In his free time, he enjoys traveling to new and interesting places, basketball, photography, blogging, and hiking.

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